Monday, March 31, 2014

Sat down with a million thoughts in my head that I wanted to express and write down.
Been staring at the screen for the past 5 minutes but nothing's coming out. Can't seem to put my thoughts together and into words. ohwellz

This quote is really apt right now haha

“My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.”

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Whatever i'm feeling now, it's probably just me.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Thank you for listening to me and my nonsensical ranting 2 nights back. You know who you are. But I don't think you're reading this haha. Really appreciate everything <3

Sunday, March 23, 2014

"I have exhausted so many feelings. Feelings. Emotions. Love. Butterflies. Joy. Fear. Heart-exploding happiness. Anxiety. Jealousy. Sadness. Love. Love. Love. Into so many relationships. Into so many people that I thought I was building memories with."

But I should treasure every small thought, emotion, or action that I'm going through now, because they would ultimately make me who I am. & I have to remember that Love is the small things in life. The everyday reminders of exactly what it is we are fighting for; because what love isn’t, is easy.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Sometimes I really do wonder what people see in me. Cause I don't see anything special about myself :(

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

“You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.”

Sunday, March 16, 2014

So close

One of the saddest songs in Disney imo #random

We're so close to reaching that famous happy end
And almost believing this was not pretend
Lets go on dreaming for we know we are
So close, so close and still so far.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Guys who smell so darn good. Yumz. I'm a sucker for scents.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Late night rambles.

Lying in bed right now, am supposed to sleep but my mind is in a mess. I'm just complicating things for myself tsk. Typical.

& I wonder if im being missed; if you ever think of me

Oh and I am craving for some dark, rich, dense, moist chocolate cake now.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Roots before branches.

I gotta have roots before branches,
To know who I am,
Before I know who I wanna be.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

brick by brick.

Lost about one year of photos and memories together because we were apart. 
It makes me sad we lost so much time and irretrievable moments that we could have spent with each other but I'm certain that we'll just make new memories. 
Thank you for not giving up on me. Despite everything, we still had a semblance of a friendship.
Glad that we're in a good place, at least for now x.

He just is,
     I just am, 
           and we just are.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Told myself to complete readings and my assignments this week but ive barely touched themmmm! :( kinda wasted the week away omg I need to buck up. Pointless rant because I know im lazy and procrastinating yet im not doing anything ugh.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

"When people come into your life, it is hard to dissociate from the shared moments and move on. Oftentimes, we find ourselves forced to leave people whom our lives once revolved around behind. You will always carry memories of the sights, the sounds and the experiences you shared. But, sometimes people change; sometimes we move on and oftentimes, we simply grow.
As days turn into months and months into years, it is still difficult to understand how to detach yourself from the people of your past and to accept the reality that they will no longer be part of your present.
People who made up such a large part of your life at one point (ex-boyfriends, teachers, old roommates, friends, etc.) are not always meant to be in your life forever.
Sometimes, those people come into your life for a brief moment in time — however brief — and then, they are gone. And in a moment, the people in whom you invested turn into mere pictures stored somewhere in the back of your mind. The moments you shared meant something — and they still mean something. You are subject to an internal battle to understand how the people you once valued are no longer of importance to you in your daily life.
In a way, those people in your past became your family and you probably find yourself struggling to let them go. They gave you advice when you needed guidance. They gave you hugs when you felt alone. They gave you unique experiences that defined a stage of your life. Most of all, however, these people gave you a sense of comfort in the unfamiliar and unpredictable journey that we call life.
And during those unusual times when you return back to those people and those places, you realize that your connection to that city, to those people and to those memories still holds strong. While you may have left and may have a new life completely unlike your past, those connections do not dissipate. Just because you left a place or left people, it does not mean that those memories somehow become void. And when you return, you are reminded of the friends you made, the people you knew and the moments you shared. All of these things suddenly become fresh in your mind. It is in these instances when you’ll realize the importance each one of these people has in your life.
It is still difficult to look back, knowing that your current life does not quite leave room for everyone in your past. And while you’re not sure it will ever get easier, when you know that people you once considered to be family are continuing to live a life separate from yours, it is comforting to know that at any point, you can stop and remember the experiences you shared together.
As we grow, we realize that all people are not permanent fixtures in our lives, that they can be fleeting fixtures of happiness, love and comfort. It is a difficult concept to grasp that people we consider to be staples in our lives may not be here for us tomorrow. But, we must learn to accept the idea that whether it be a lover, a coworker or a friend, his or her place in our lives may not always be meant to last forever.
When we begin to understand that relationships are not always meant to last, we can also have a deeper appreciation for the experiences we share with people while they are in our lives. Though it may sadden you to consider the end of a relationship, you can begin to appreciate the people in your life for the sheer reason that they exist in your present. People come and go, but memories last forever.
The lessons people teach us and the hardships they help us navigate are never forgotten. These memories become permanent parts of us and continue to shape who we become. Just because a relationship does not last does not mean that it is insignificant in any way. It is not the amount of time these relationships last that is important, but instead, it is the ability to remember them.
Once we can accept the realization that relationships are fleeting, our lives will be filled with vast moments of appreciation. Appreciation for each relationship in its entirety and the uniqueness of the moments that you share together — appreciation for the present.
Leaving people behind is never easy — it never feels right to move on to the next chapter. But, as life continues onward, so do we, and just because we leave people, it does not mean we must forget the times we shared. It does not mean that all those things must be lost in some unknown abyss. All we can ask is to remember and that those whom we once loved remember us, too."

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Even on my weakest days, I get a bit stronger.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Can't get into sportshubtix to get my tickets for taylor swift despite waiting for 2 hours. Annoyed but wdv, shall save some money.

Really not my day. Everything has to happen today. Feeling so upset right now.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

You hollow out my hungry eyes.

Listening to music from secondary school days and it makes me nostalgic.
Okay just wanted to establish that. hahaha. imma watch TWOWS now!