Monday, January 13, 2014


Had a bad dream last night. Dreamt I was in an airplane crash, and I had to escape with a parachute. Had to fight for survival and there were so many dead people :( Well, I survived and landed in the ocean. The images from the dream kept replaying in my head today so I just had to google the dream interpretation. haha.

"To dream that a plane crashes signifies that you have set overly high and unrealistic goals for yourself. You are in danger of having those goals come crashing down. Alternatively, the crashing airplane represents your lack of confidence, self-defeating attitude and self-doubt. You do not believe in your own ability to achieve those goals. Loss of power and uncertainty in achieving your goals are also signified.
Jumping out of a parachute implies that it is time to bail out of a situation or abandon an old idea or habit.
The airplane, as a mode of transportation, symbolizes a dreamer’s journey. To see an airplane crash indicates that the dreamer’s conscious mind fears failure in his waking life direction. It could be fears of a calamitous end for a professional or personal project or his general life future.
It is important to note that the dream is not predicting failure or the future. It merely indicates that the dreamer is feeling stressed, fearful, overwhelmed and hopeless in his waking life. 
Plane crashes into an ocean, lake or other body of water: the failure or unpleasant results will emotionally overwhelm the dreamer."

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