Saturday, January 5, 2013


It's 2013 baby! haha

Brand new year. Brand new semester.
2012 has been really good! I got my well-deserved 8 months holiday, experienced working life, started school and made some awesome friends, and everyone stayed healthy. & the world didn't end LOL. Blessed. :)

Had a NYE steamboat with the usual gang at this huge bungalow. One of the biggest houses I've been in! Had fun that night!

I have no idea which is considered the living room... the darkened area at the back or this area at the foreground!
The door to the karaoke room in the mid of the picture.
2 more huge-ass floors upstairs haha

The Karaoke room where we spent most of the night in haha

A pretty fun drinking game that Jet introduced!

Can't post the rest of the photos because of the SENSITIVE info HEHEH.

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