Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Went to watch The Hobbit w the family and bf yesterday! Headed to the Golden Village at Great World City where they screened the hobbit in High Frame Rate 3D! Honestly, I really like the HFR 3D as it was so sharp, not giddy at all and the effects were spectacular especially the scenic scenes. Missing New Zealand just by watching the movie! I usually dislike 3D movies because it gets very giddy after awhile, but for this movie, despite being 170min, it was great! Hmm, obviously during the more fast action scenes, it can get a bit blurry, but it can't be helped! The cinema screen was HUGEEEEEE & the theatre looked more like a musical theatre than a cinema theatre. Haha but i love it! the seats were all very tilted so you will NEVER get blocked by the person in front. I like. ^^

The story started off a bit slow, but the pace picked up and I was drawn into the adventure. Love the banter between the dwarves! & honestly I have to say that Bilbo is definitely more likeable, wittier and 'stronger' than Frodo in LOTR hehe.

Having read the book before and knowing what to expect, I was pretty surprised Peter Jackson tweaked the story a little though he did stay true to the book (dialogue etc). He brought in elements that were also in the LOTR universe to help blend with the storyline, with many references to the Lord of the Rings trilogy as the Hobbit is technically a prequel.  LOTR fans will surely enjoy! Also, characters like Radagast the Brown & the Necromancer were only briefly mentioned in the Hobbit (book), but they were expanded upon in the film series. I guess it helps in the lead-in to the LOTR trilogy. & if I remember correctly, Radagast played a pretty major role in the LOTR books but not in the film and because of time constraints, he had to be omitted in the Fellowship of the Ring film. Maybe in the future hobbit films, we might see Tom Bombadil HAHA and other characters in Tolkien's Middle Earth :)

Thoroughly enjoyed the movie but sadly, now we have to wait a year till December 2013 to watch The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug! :'(


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